Saturday, February 7, 2009


where do we start? January saw a wealth of activity at Hear and Now Music. Unfortunately, most of it had to do with upgrading the system...ProTools 8 and Mac OSX Leopard, and backing things up... necessary housekeeping. Which is ok, as most clients seem to be suffering from the economic hangover that the whole country is suffering from. As confidence in the economy grows and the desire to have their projects up and running again, clients will benefit from the upgrades at the studio.

Maggie Kain's CD, BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE, is finally here! It looks as great as it sounds.... which, to my ears, is quite wonderful. Songs are already being submitted for film and tv placements through Broadjam and Pump Audio.

Nancy Shafer's CD, THE JEWISH KID IN ME, will also be available this month. Derrick co-produced the cd with Nancy and Danny Shafer. 

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